“Please Don’t Faint o”: After 10 Years, Lady Achieves Dream of Becoming Pilot, Captain Pours Water on Her

A beautiful lady has shared an exciting video via her TikTok page as she finally achieves her life dream

According to the determined young woman, she always desired to become a successful pilot After about ten years of failed attempts and frustration, she finally achieved her dream and could not contain her joy

Malaika had just registered her first flight as pilot in command, hence the washing with water by her instructor who was so proud of her.

According to her, she almost gave up her dream of becoming a pilot but finally, she achieved her over a decade dream.

She captioned the video;

She captioned the video;

“POV: You’ve had a dream to be a pilot for more than a decade, almost gave up 1000 times but today you register your first flight as pilot in command. God, please do unto others too what you have done for me.”

Malaika added that her captain was also proud of her achievement.

“My instructor captain Sharon too proud to wash me,”

she wrote.

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