“Daddy of the Year”: Beautiful clips As RMD and Family Storm ‘Abroad’ for Son’s Graduation

Richard Mode-Damijo’s son Tega has made him a very proud father with his latest academic achievement Taking to Instagram, the veteran actor shared photos from his son’s graduation ceremony abroad It was a family affair as the actor and his people stormed the venue and posed for adorable photos

Congratulatory messages have poured in for veteran Nollywood actor Richard Mofe-Damijo on the graduation of his son Tega.

The movie star announced the joyous occasion on Instagram with photos showing beautiful family moments from the ceremony.

Damijo stormed the event with his wife and other family members who looked equally proud of Tega and happy for his proud parents.

An excited RMD captioned the post with:

“THE EMPEROR! THE CONQUEROR!! THE LION !!Thankful and grateful and proud as a parent, when God gives you the ones that want more for themselves than you can ever want for them. Congratulations superstar, you did this!”

See photos below:

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