“Hope All Is Well”: Netizens Share Concern Over Paul Okoye and Lover’s Sudden Silence About Their Relationship

Singer Paul Okoye and his younger lover Ifeoma have for months tensioned social media with their love Recent happenings, however, suggest that the lovers might be having issues in their relationship A concerned user asked why the singer has been quiet lately, and netizens used the opportunity to express their opinions

Recent posts from singer Paul Okoye and his young lover Ifeoma suggested that all might not be well with their relationship.

Okoye and his boo put up cryptic posts about respect and love and fired at each other, a cause of worry for their ‘shippers’.

In a post sighted online, a netizen had asked if all was well with the singer, noting that he hardly dropped comments online, unlike before the worrisome post about respect.

See the post below:

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