“Who No Like Better Thing?” Baby Rejects Milk, Insists On Big Chicken, Video of Her Action Goes Viral

The attention of TikTokers has been drawn to a video of a baby who refused to drink milk.

The cute baby girl insisted on being served the chicken which she saw in a plate right before her

In the short clip seen on the TikTok handle of @veragold7, the girl named Zara removed her mouth when a feeding bottle containing milk touched it.

Why do children like meat?

Zara’s eyes were on the chunk of meat in a plate of rice that her mother was eating. She bent gently and used her hand to carefully pick the meat by

It was then that her mother realised what she wanted and took the meat off the plate.

The girl’s adult-like behaviour has stunned many TikTokers with some of them saying she is wise

Watch the video below:

TikTok users react to video of baby rejecting milk

@babyzara67 said: “Who no like better thing? Mummy please leave me ooo.”

@Ukwa 12 commented: “Baby Zara enjoy yourself no time.”

@gabrielgracious said: “She is just like my daughter in this way.”

@happiness said: “Who no like better tin?”

@bingli bangla reacted: “Once the baby tastes grown ups foods, forget it, they won’t even open their mouth for their food.”

@stephenbimbulotey commente: “She wanna tell you that she was in this world before you.”

@yusuff41m said: “I love this baby wallahi, she won’t give you any problem as she knows how to eat like this.”

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